Deep Search
"Using TeamPage Attivio Search Plus and TeamPage's Social Enterprise Web, external documents, pages and transactions are now able to become social objects seamlessly integrated with Traction® TeamPage's action tracking, search, collaboration and communication." Marrying deep search and collaboration, KMWorld Jun 22, 2011.
TeamPage Attivio® option adds world-class content analysis, search and content navigation
Attivio’s Active Intelligence Engine™ (AIE) indexes TeamPage content and metadata, performs advanced linguistic and context analysis, delivers permission-aware, relevance-ranked search and content navigation.
All TeamPage content is indexed and analyzed: articles, comments, status, links, relationships, space, tags, actions, authors, profiles, attached documents and shared files - over 370 formats.
TeamPage delivers faceted navigation by keyphrase, tag, space, author, sentiment and other metadata. Search results and facets are clipped to match permissions, with facets recalculated on the fly as you drill down.
TeamPage’s Attivio Plus option fuses TeamPage and External Systems of Record to work like the Web TeamPage integrates search and discussion.
Tag, task, and share content stored in SharePoint, email in Exchange, Documentum, File servers, SQL Databases, the public Web, private intranets, and other sources.
External sources are incrementally indexed in place and pick up native permissions that TeamPage obeys.
Search SharePoint and TeamPage sources. Add a TeamPage task to any SharePoint search hit. Click Expand to see the details inline.
TeamPage’s Attivio Plus option fuses TeamPage and External Systems of Record to work like the Web
TeamPage integrates search and discussion. Tag, task, and share content stored in SharePoint, email in Exchange, Documentum, File servers, SQL Databases, the public Web, private intranets, and other sources.
External sources are incrementally indexed in place and pick up native permissions that TeamPage obeys.
Search SharePoint and TeamPage sources. Add a TeamPage task to any SharePoint search hit. Click Expand to see the details inline.