Installation and Administration
Installating Traction is easy. You need to install one piece of software and configuration is a breeze.
Installation and Upgrades
Traction can be deployed on any platform that supports the Sun Java Virtual Machine. Given adequate hardware and an operating system, the installer includes everything you need to get started. The JVM, application software, and web server are included in the installer.
The Windows installer will automatically configure Traction as a service that starts and stops automatically or from the Services panel.
You can literally be up and running in 15 minutes or less.
Upgrades are done in place, so you can patch or upgrade the software as quickly as it was installed.
See System Requirements for the full requirements.
Administration and Configuration
All administration and configuration activities are performed via web forms accessible right from the browser. You can even access the server log files, statistics view and thread manager in viewers launched from the server setup forms.
See Product Technology for further information on the Traction Technology.
You can customize Traction yourself or rely on our professional services to help out. See Skin (Interface) Options and Customization for customization options that are accessible out of the box and via the Traction SDK and SDL.