Calendar Navigation

Traction helps you makes sense of your workspace with date range displays.

Many blog systems allow you to view the full blog or single category archive for any month. The date range selector in Traction allows for calendar navigation of any view which may include a Front Page, Space Newspage, Label view or even an advanced search result. You can filter by year, quarter, month, week or day.

In Front Page and Spaces and Tags for categorization and social tagging, you saw examples of where the date range selector was present at the upper right of the screen.

This shows that for the view, there is content in the years 2005 and 2006.

Clicking on 2006 takes you to a calendar for the year. The bold links show that there is content in February, May, June and July:

Clicking June shows there is content for this view on June 5th and 6th:

As you navigate using the calendar, the content in the body of the page will update to reflect the selected date range.

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